Holistic Healing - दिव्य चिकित्सा

Holistic Healing - दिव्य चिकित्सा

The body and the mind act in unison. Physical symptoms may indicate the state of mind or vice versa. Medical intervention should take into consideration the whole rather than isolated parts. This is the holistic approach.

The purpose of holistic healing is to provide long-term improvement and health. This may even cause short-term pain. Intervention should be minimal since nature, in her wisdom, knows the best course. Pain can serve to make us aware of the problem so that we give our body the chance to heal. Pain can also make us aware of our emotional state, thus helping us in our own personal evolution. A natural diet, good exercise and calmness of mind can be one of the best means of holistic healing in a number of cases.

The body’s healing power

The healing power is inherent in the body. When disease occurs, the body makes every effort to regain ease, that is health.

Our connection to the rest of the universe can be viewed on similar lines. We are an integral part of the whole. Any action, which causes harm to any part of the universe, cannot be beneficial to us on the long run as a consequence of this unity.