About Us

" A home of Vibrent Energy "

A Simple form of Transferring Divine Energy, Having light on Hands "Dr. Shruti Shah" a God Gifted healer feels Human Dieses, Illness, treats Plants and Animals, by Applying Various Divine methods of Reiki, Pranic, Healing, Crystals, Gems, Colour therapies and Astrology.

We Indians, say 'JYOTISHI', 'JYOT' - light & 'ISH' - God. Therfore 'Light of God'. Asrtology is a MIRROR to life.


To create a community that provides programs, services and an environment which nurture people's personal and spiritual growth, enabling them to contribute to a healthier world by ....reiki..Crystal therapy etc.


To create a globally inclusive community of choice where individuals or groups can renew, refresh, and revive their spirit, mind and body in a spiritual world and lead them towards understanding the self